A trip to Prekmurje
A few of days ago I and my grandparents went to visit their friends in Prekmurje. It was very early when we left Kranj where my grandparents live. We drove on the highway for a long time. In the car it was very boring and I was fed up. For about one hour of driving I slept and slept to Prekmurje. Than my granddad stopped the car and woke me up. We went to their house and sat down. They served us delicious cookies. They have many cats too. I played with the youngest. It was very funny because it was falling all the time. I asked them if I can take cat home. They shouted:"Of course you can!" I was so happy. When we left the friends they gave me a big chocolate and they wished me a lot of fun with the cat. We sad goodbye and drove home. The cat is now bigger and lives with my grandparents in Kranj because my family lives in flat. I will never forget this time in Prekmurje.
Bor Štular, 8.b
še kr